Dunlop Smart Insole

A modular smart insole that tracks real time data to prevent workplace injuries, whilst accomodating for varying foot sizes and minimising SKU’s. 

Dunlop sought to add to their product lineup by introducing an additional innovation: Smart Insoles, designed to empower businesses through comployee safety and health. By integrating pressure sensors and GPS tracking into a device that allows for real time monitoring of various user metrics, preventing injuries and creating safe work environments. FLEX/design were tasked to design the 3D solution, the goal was to create a modular solution that not only minimized financial strain for Dunlop and consumers but also prioritized usability, ergonomics, SKU optimization, repairability, and sustainability throughout the product lifecycle.

Due to Non-Disclosure Agreements, all internal work cannot be shown.




Design for External Engineering
Material Testing
Manufacture Methods

Reducing material hardness contrast. 

Materials underwent iterative testing to evaluate their hardness, combining them against each other for analysis in contrast and how that consequently felt to the touch. These tests yielded valuable insights into how material contrasts impact ergonomics, usability, and functionality, informing the selection process for optimal performance and user experience.

Utilising PU material properties.

Polyurethane has exceptional formability and great flexibility, enabling the creation of intricate shapes and accommodating undercuts in molds without compromising removal. This feature allows for a snug fit around the Insert, ensuring a secure subassembly before insertion into the boot. 

Modular, flexible, PCB aesthetic. 

Every aspect designed to enhance the insert's experience, usability, and functionality was intentionally communicated through its design. Flexibility, pressure sensing, modularity, malleability, and an aesthetic reminiscent of a printed circuit board, ensuring a cohesive and intuitive user experience.

Further robust performance testing. 

Dunlop has collaborated with various companies to conduct initial testing on the first prototypes of the SmartInsole. Aiming to assess the performance, durability, and user experience in real-world scenarios.

Learn, implement, and develop. 

Leveraging the insights and learnings gained from these tests, Dunlop is actively utilising the feedback to enhance the overall performance. Incorporating user feedback and addressing any identified challenges, ensuring a truly innovative and impactful solution is brought to market later down the line.